Daniel Tirado

Nombre y apellidos: Daniel Tirado
Nacionalidad: Spanish / Spaniard
American Citizen: No
Pasaporte Comunitario: Yes
Tipo de puesto:Player
Posición Jugador:8- Number 8
Altura: 188cm
Peso: 102kg

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    Rugby biography:
    I started playing rugby 9 years ago when I saw a rugby match when I was with my football
    team. I was investigating about the sport, rules, positions,… and I found a team near my
    town call Soto del Real, so I stay there for 1 year and a half because I started at the middle
    of the season.
    There I started playing as 8
    That summer I went to a rugby camp organízated by Pablo Feijo and Cesar Sempere,
    captains of the national Spanish team, also they took with them the number 8 of Samoa
    National Team and he teach me more things about rugby and how to play in my position.
    Pablo Feijo is the actual coach of the Spanish National Team of rugby seven.

    In my third season a club was created in my town so i joined them, my coach was Jesus
    Tarugo, an old spanish rugby player with 5 cups with Spain.
    That year i played as 8 and captain of my team, I scored 71 try in the regular league and we
    became the 2º of the Community of Madrid.That same year Alcobendas, my actual team,
    call me and they offered me to play with them so I accepted because they were the best club
    of Madrid and the fifth of Spain, this club have more than 600 player in all categories.
    Also this year, the Community of Madrid team selected me to play with them.
    That summer I went to the rugby camp of Munster ( www.munsterrugby.ie ), there i meet
    Darah, the coach of the U18 (he have 2 cups with ireland and more than 10 with Munster),in
    that period he help me improving my rugby.

    In my fourth season I joined Alcobendas rugby club, (they give me the opportunity to play as
    6,7,12 and 13) we had 3 coaches, one of them is the actual forwards coach of the Spanish
    Team that still being my coach in this days.
    That season we started in the 3rd division of Madrid, and we reach to the 1st division at the
    end of the season. In the playoffs we went to the final.
    That summer I want to the Munster rugby camp, one of the coach was Paul O’Connell
    (Captain of Munster and Ireland)

    My fifth season was the best one, we where the 1st of Madrid and we went to the Spanish
    championship and we reach the 2nd place of Spain losing the final 28-27.
    Also that season we became the 1st of Spain with the Community of Madrid team winning
    Cataluña in the final.
    That summer I went to the rugby camp of Leinster in Dublin, there we trained with some
    Coaches of the U18 and U20 rugby team of Leinster (https://www.leinsterrugby.ie)

    In my sixth season we had some new ideas so we changed our type of game with a faster
    way to play, with more balls for the backs so in lot of plays I went with the backs.
    This new type of game was difficult for us so we where the 4th of Madrid.
    Also this year we have start training with the principal team of Alcobendas, we have train
    with some actuals spanish rugby players like Brad Linklater and Jaime Nava (Captain of the
    spanish team)
    This summer I went to the rugby camp Rugby and French
    (www.rugbyandfrench.com/index.php) with coaches like Nigel Osborne (Head Coach for the
    CBC Monkstown, Senior-Cup Team and as a Consultant to Stade Francais in the French
    Top 14 Championship) and Aaron Conneely ( U20 player for Ireland and Connacht)

    This year I had the goal of increasing my muscle mass and weight loss to 100 kg
    something I could get.
    We also got second place in the league which let us get into the playoffs and reach
    the final where we lost against Complutense Cisneros.
    From April 26 to 28 the championship of spain is celebrated which we have qualified
    for being one of the two best teams in the province of Madrid, we reach the 3rd place
    of Spain

    This year is my rookie year, I have risen to higher leagues and now I play with
    professionals in the best Spanish league.
    Because of the pandemic we have finished the season mid-year, finishing fifth just
    three points behind the 3rd

    Objectives in my life:
    I want to be a professional rugby player and play in other countries like the United States,
    Ireland, France,… Also I want to play for a country like Spain or other one much better.

    Curious aspects:
    I have been training in the gym 5 years apart of my normal sessions of training, every week i
    train between 3 and 5 times, all depends of the match we have that week or the level of the
    training we are doing. I think everything with work and with effort is possible.
    Video Compilation:


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